To School Children:

The Classroom Grandparent Program is unique, matching at-risk school children with retired, caring adults who are enriched by relationships that span the generations.  Children need the positive influence of responsible, patient and compassionate adults.  Children know that a grandma and grandpa who serves in their classroom weaves a safety net of unconditional acceptance and are the guides that help them be their best.  It is well documented that children who benefit from such a classroom presence show meaningful progress and measurable achievement academically, emotionally, behaviorally and socially.

Classroom Grandparents serve from preschool on up!  They spark a love for learning and assist the students who need it most, to develop the skills they need to survive and thrive in school and in life.

Classroom Grandparents receive training through the program, supervision from classroom teachers, and recognition in their communities.  This program has been supported by Congress for over 50 years and is recognized as important to achieving beneficial outcomes for our children, our communities and our nation!